Field Trip Packages
Rounds Ranch’s Spring Field Trips offer a hands-on, interactive program for children from Nursery Schools to Grade 3.
All of our tours are designed to meet grade specific curriculum requirements.
School Field Trips are available May 13th – June 26th.
Choose the package that suits your needs:
Half Day Tour – Farm Animals + Discovery Barn: JK – Grade 3
Full Day Tour – Farm Animals + Discovery Barn, Life Cycle + Planting
Farm Animals + Discovery Barn (1 hour)
In the springtime we celebrate new life on the farm with babies being born (or hatched) every week. The children will have an opportunity to hold and/or pet various farm animals. The children experience hands-on activities teaching them about animals and the food that is grown or raised on the farm.
Lifecycle + Planting (1 hour)
The students will participate in a fun skit on the life cycle of corn. The interactive skit includes the importance of the sun and rain to help plants grow and the use of farm machinery to prepare the soil and harvest the crop. Then in small groups the students will build an ideal environment to grow a plant. They will be given a map of the Ranch to help locate the necessary ingredients (Bedrock, subsoil, topsoil, soil organisms, seed, and water). Each student can take their planted seed home.
Playground (1 – 2 hours)
Students will enjoy free time to play, scheduled in their day. Our playground has various activities, including pedal carts, ziplines, moo maze, duck races, boxcars, & more!
Each student is $10.50+hst
Half Day – Farm Animals + Discovery Barn
Farm Animals + Discovery Barn (1 hour)
In the springtime we celebrate new life on the farm with babies being born (or hatched) every week. The children will have an opportunity to hold and/or pet various farm animals. The children experience hands-on activities teaching them about animals and the food that is grown or raised on the farm.
Playground (1 – 2 hours)
Students will enjoy free time to play, scheduled in their day. Our playground has various activities, including pedal carts, ziplines, moo maze, duck races, boxcars, & more!
Each student is $9.00+hst
Half Day – Lifecycle + Planting
Lifecycle + Planting (1 hour)
The students will participate in a fun skit on the lifecycle of corn. The interactive skit includes the importance of the sun and rain to help plants grow and the use of farm machinery to prepare the soil and harvest the crop. Then in small groups the students will build an ideal environment to grow a plant. They will be given a map of the Ranch to help locate the necessary ingredients (Bedrock, subsoil, topsoil, soil organisms, seed, and water). Each student can take their planted seed home.
Playground (1 – 2 hours)
Students will enjoy free time to play, scheduled in their day. Our playground has various activities, including pedal carts, ziplines, moo maze, duck races, boxcars, & more!
Each student is $9.00+hst
Pet + Play (Nursery Schools – Grade 3)
Playground & Petting Zoo (2 1/2 hours)
Our self-led program is suitable for all ages! Students will interact with the Farm Animals in the petting zoo, enjoy free play time on our various activities in the Ranch like pedal carts, ziplines, moo maze, duck races, boxcars, & more!
Each student is $6.25+hst
Curriculum Requirements
Overall Expectations for Kindergarten:
- 14. demonstrate an awareness of the natural and built environment through hands-on investigations, observations, questions, and representations of their findings
- 29. demonstrate an understanding of the natural world and the need to care for and respect the environment
Grade 1 Science and Technology: Understanding Life Systems
- 1.2 describe changes or problems that could result from the loss of some kinds of living things that are part of everyday life
- 3.2 identify the physical characteristics of a variety of plants and animals
- 3.4 describe the characteristics of a healthy environment, including clean air and water and
nutritious food, and explain why it is important for all living things to have a healthy environment
Grade 2 Science and Technology: Understanding Life Systems
- 2.1 follow established safety procedures and humane practices specific to the care and handling of live animals, where appropriate, during science and technology investigations
- 2.2 observe and compare the physical characteristics(e.g., fur or feathers; two legs or no legs) and the behavioural characteristics (e.g., predator or prey) of a variety of animals, including insects, using student-generated questions and a variety of methods and resources
Grade 3 Science and Technology: Understanding Life Systems
- 3.6 describe ways in which plants and animals depend on each other (e.g., plants provide food for energy; animals help disperse pollen and seeds, and provide manure that fertilizes the soil in which plants grow; plants need the carbon dioxide that animals breathe out, and animals need the oxygen that plants release into the air)
- 3.8 identify examples of environmental conditions that may threaten plant and animal survival (e.g., extreme heat and cold; floods and/or droughts; changes in habitat because of human activities such as construction, use of gas-powered personal watercraft on lakes)